The Wonder of #ROHbeauty

ROH Sleeping Beauty

ROH Sleeping Beauty

Last night I went to see the live broadcast of The Royal Opera House’s performance of the ballet Sleeping Beauty at the cinema in Derby.

I used to go and watch ballets actually in the Royal Opera House and this actually served as a pretty good substitute. As the opening sequence started and the dances moved across the stage creating wonderful shapes I felt that familiar sense of calm wash over me; the same as when I visited the sculpture gallery in the V&A. It is almost more than calm, it is inspiration and that is what I felt through out the whole performance, inspired.

Everything about the show was beautiful; the set, the costumes, the transitions from one scene to another, the dancers movements, the dancers moving as one entity and their  interaction with their costumes as they move.

The talent is undeniable, some of the poses and moves seeming to defy the laws of physics. Watching Aurora great all the princes at her 16th birthday was astonishing as she balanced statuesque on the tip of her foot for an unbelievable amount of time.

But more than this I enjoyed looking at the shapes that were formed, I have always been fascinated with the human form as a source of shape and form for design. As I watched the dancers move both alone, together and in synchronisation so many new shapes popped into my mind and it was just beautiful!

It was a wonderful evening and the inspiration stays with me now this morning as I continue to work on my project I only wish I could repeat it every evening!

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